learn about 22 utah Birds

This site is all about how you can protect and learn about 30 birds. In Utah a lot of the birds are not endangered and thanks to the people who let me use pictures from other websites

Number.1 this bird livies in colarado utah its name is sage grouse. they are endangered and how we can help is 1. clean waist 2. dont disturb .3 and protect habitat. fact: the female grouse will perform a breeding ritual.

number.2 the bald eagle im sure everywon has heard of it stands for glory and freedom .fact: the female bald eagle is normally bigger than the male and is not endangered

number.3 the downy woodpecker is the smallest woodpecker in utah facts: .the downy woodpecker makes acceptions for deserts and mostly livs in canada but still lives in utah and is not endangered

number.4 the grebes are freshwater birds most notable in stable lakes .fact: the baby grebes have very quick bursts of speed when it sees an adult and is medium in endangerd so its not really endangered

number.5 the raven is basically a large crow not a crow. .fact: the raven will have breeding seasons febuary to may and is not endangered

number.6 the eastern bluebird they live in open woodland and are kind of orange .fact: the eastern bluebird is a favorite of a lot of american bird watchers

number.8 the black capped chickadee they are almost considerd cute because of their round black head .fact: the black capped chickadee is one of the easiest to attract to birdfeeders and is not endangerd

number.9 the western screech owl lives all over america including utah .fact: western screech owls have small stocky bodies almost no neck a short tail and ear tufts

number.10 the american robin is one of the most common of birds in utah .fact: american robin can be 4 - 11 inchis long

number.11 the turkey vultures cousin is the black vulture and the turkey vulture diet ranges from mice to snakes .fact: the turkey vulture has a wingspan of up to 65-70

number.12 the california condor is a very large bird that has a wingspan of about 9-7 feet .fact:the california condor is endangerd because in 1971 there were only 11 but now there are about more than 2000 you can help by leaving them alone and if you dont kill them

number.13 the pintail is a species of duck like most ducks they live in welands and lakes .fact: the pintail top speed is about 48 miles per hour

number.14 the perigrin falcon the fastest bird on earth they are the fastest when diving rather than just flying .fact: the peregrine falcon can dive at speeds of 320 miles per hour

number.15 the common starling are small birds that fly in groups of 30 to 50 .fact: the common starling is preyed upon by hawks and eagles

number.16 the mourning dove are a species of backyard birds youv proabobly seen this bird before .fact: the mourning dove can live 2-4 years

number.17 the ruddy duck is another type of waterbird simalar to the grebe .fact: the male species of this bird can look kinda cartoonish

number.18 the california quail this bird is flightless and resembels a ball .fact: they are named quail because of the thing on their head

number.19 annas hummingbird are about 4 inchis tall and can weigh 0.10-0.20 ounces .fact: hummingbirds can remember individual faces

number.20 american goldfinch the goldfinch is the 9th most common bird in the united states .fact: the american goldfinch is the state bird of new jersey

number.21 the common house sparrow the house sparrow is a least concern for population rate .fact: the house sparrows wingspan is up to 7-10 inchis

number.22 the brahma is a chiken species that typically can live in utah but cince chickens of any species lives almost anywhere .fact: